বৃহস্পতিবার, ৮ নভেম্বর, ২০১২

Feel like an impostor at work? ? Business Management Daily: Free ...

Even if you?re doing well in your career, getting good reviews and advancing at a solid clip, you may have times when you feel like you don?t really know what you?re doing and you?re just faking it, writes Jessica Stillman at BrazenCareerest.com.

If that sounds familiar, you?re not alone. Even extremely successful people such as comedian Tina Fey, writer Maya Angelou and Facebook executive Sheryl Sandberg admit to having that feeling, called impostor syndrome.

Experiencing impostor syndrome isn?t a bad thing, and could actually be a good sign, say experts. Typically it?s smart, diligent and competent people who get that feeling that they?re just faking it sometimes.

The best way to respond to a flare-up of impostor syndrome is to just ride it out, experts say. Recognize that this is just a short-term feeling that soon enough will pass. Then when it does, revel in feeling you?re on top of your game.

? Adapted from ?Feel Like You?re Faking It? That Might Not Be a Bad Thing,? Jessica Stillman, BrazenCareerest.com

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Source: http://www.businessmanagementdaily.com/33119/feel-like-an-impostor-at-work

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