Cancer i? not ju?t ?ne disease but many diseases. There ar? m?re than 100 d?ff?r?nt types ?f cancer. It?s n?t ?u?t a word, but also a statement th?t refers to abnormal ?r unusual behavior ?f cells ?n th? body.
However, ?n quit? a d?ff?r?nt context, cancer ?? referred to a? a star sign. It i? ?ctuall? ? group of m?ny related diseases that all have to do with cells, wh?ch ?re the ver? small units th?t make u? ?ll living things, including th? human body.
Women in th?ir 20s and 30s sh?uld h?v? ? clinical breast exam (CBE) a? part of a regular exam b? a health expert, ?t le??t ?ver? 3 years. Regular self-breast exams ar? also encouraged. Women w?th th??e mutations ?l?? h?ve an increased risk of developing ovarian cancer. Women w?th this gene hav? a 40 percent chance for developing th? disease, versus 1.5 percent in women wh? do n?t hav? it.
Breast cancer is 3 times m?r? common th?n all gynecologic malignancies put together. Breast tumors w?re collected sequentially ?n th? Southampton Tumor Bank from donors who h?d giv?n written informed consent. Stored samples wher? there wa? sufficient material wer? sampled ?n sequence. Breast, lung, and prostate cancer ?r? ?ll forms of th? illness w? read and hear a lot about. But oral cancer ?s a major c?use ?f severe disability ?nd death ?v?ry year, killing more people nationwide than cervical cancer, Hodgkin?s disease, cancer of th? brain, kidney, liver, testes, ?r malignant melanoma skin cancer.
Childhood cancers h?v? increased b? 26% overall, wh?le the incidence of ?art?cul?r cancers h?s increased ?t?ll more: acute lymphocytic leukemia, 62%; brain cancer, 50%; ?nd bone cancer, 40%. The federal National Cancer Institute (NCI) ?nd th? ?charitable? American Cancer Society (ACS), th? cancer establishment, h?v? failed to inform the public, let al?ne Congress ?nd regulatory agencies, ?f thi? alarming information.
DNA micro-matrix studies are used to l??k ?t alterations ?n genetic activity und?r given conditions, for ex?m?le after treatment with v?r??u? drugs, in order t? generate new knowledge of how such medications operate. One w?? ?f us?ng th? technique is to culture ? ??rt?cular type ?f cell and divide the culture into tw? parts. DNA damage can be caused b? carcinogens ?n th? environment, errors ?n DNA replication, or glitches in th? cellular machinery caused b? aging, ?m?ng ?th?r factors. If a cell detects DNA damage when ?t is ?b?ut to divide, ?t activates the so-called G2 checkpoint, ? pause button th?t ?ll?ws th? cell time to correct the problem befor? cell division, the process whereby ? cell makes tw? copies of itself.
Treatment c?n extend ov?r a period ?f ? year. Clearly, women with breast cancer ne?d support. Treatment aims to cure, prolong life ?nd improve quality ?f life f?r patients. Some of the m??t common cancer types, su?h as breast cancer, cervical cancer and colorectal cancer, hav? high cure rates wh?n detected early and treated ????rd?ng to be?t practice. Treatment options ?r? based on the stage.
Studies show th?t Melatonin deficiency may b? ? c?u?? ?f breast ?nd prostate cancer or at l?ast ? guard ag??n?t it. Melatonin prevents breast cancer cell division ?n estrogen-dependent ?nd non-estrogen dependent cancers. Studies show the risk ?f birth defects ?r miscarriages ?s not any higher ?n ? woman wh? h?s had chemotherapy. Pregnancy ?lso ?s not likely to ?au?e ? woman?s breast cancer t? return.
Prevention, early detection ?nd lifestyle improvements continue to b? th? be?t weapons we h?ve aga?n?t m?n? of th? mo?t deadly cancers. Prevention i? not ? vaccine; prevention i? actively finding th? root cau?? and changing the chain reaction. We n?ed to lo?k at the m?n? ?ause? of ?u?h things as HPV n?t blindly administer drugs t? everyone.
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